Caring Transitions Of Central Arkansas

Caring Transitions Of Central Arkansas

This is an exclusive Caring Transitions of Central Arkansas Estate Sale, located in NLR. June 21st and 22nd. From 9am until 3pm.

This full North Little Rock home has vintage furniture, crafts, sewing, embroidery, knitting, ceramics studio as well as a downstairs entertainment cave.

See a sneak peek glow of some of the items, You will see it as awesome sale.

Vintage and modern furniture
Musical instruments including grand upright piano violin and flutes
Huge selection of crafting items for the serious crafter such as Sewing, surge and embroidery machines
Ceramics and unfinished ceramics plus the molds
Full house full of traditional furniture such as dining living in bedroom
Mid-century modern furnishings and decor
A huge clock collection
Kitchen wares, China, formal flatware
Side-by-side KitchenAid refrigerator
Garage refrigerator
Vintage ceramics and children’s books.

Save the date come out and see us in North Little Rock on June 21 and 22nd.

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Nice to meet y'all, I'm Ashley!

Since 2010, I’ve been helping junkers like me find estate sales and auctions around Arkansas through my newsletter, and now I host my own events!