Thanks to all of you who came out to the Antique Alley Arkansas Antique Show last weekend! Despite the rain on Saturday, we had a great crowd. Both customers and exhibitors seemed to have a great time, which is what I love to see!Here are the estate sales and auctions going on this weekend: | |
Pennsylvania Trading Co.
Friday – Saturday, January 18 – 19 9:00AM – 3:00PM 10:00AM – 2:00PM
1118 Green Mountain Dr. West Little Rock, Arkansas
What’s there: Pennsylvania Trading Co. website with photos
Roy Dudley Estate Sale
Friday, January 18 10:00AM – 5:00PM Saturday – Sunday, January 19 – 20 10:00AM – 3:00PM
1311 Rebsamen Park Rd.
Attention all crafters, scrapbookers, quilters and etsy entrepreneurs: Tons of fabric, trim, drapery supplies, furniture, art, antiques, accessories and more! Roy Dudley Estate Sales website with photos
Estate Sale by Rook’s Antiques
Friday – Saturday, January 18 – 19 10:00AM – 4:00PM 12:00PM – 4:00PM
900 Cherry Hill North Little Rock, Arkansas
Wonderful Estate Sale at a large Park Hill home. Yamaha baby grand piano, very nice painted dining room suite with table and chairs, china cabinet, and server, three marble top walnut Victorian tables, nice carved sofa, mahogany vanity and two mahogany chests,bookcase secretary, pair of arm chairs with ottomans, cedar chest, two leather sofas, pair of leather and wood chairs, desks, walnut side tables, wonderful retro section and very groovy retro coffee table, vintage desk chairs, and much more. Room after room of china, crystal, cut glass, sterling flatware and hollow ware, pottery, and much more including Cambridge, Rosepoint, Spode, RS Germany, RS Silesia, Roseville, Hull, McCoy, Camark, Depression Glass, and much more. Crystal lamps and a wonderful large crystal chandelier, books ranging from antique and vintage to modern, a very nice selection of mesh and beaded vintage purses, wonderful large hooked rug, vintage to modern Razorback memorabilia, lots of nice linens (embroidered, damask, printed), outstanding quilts, artwork, lamps, rugs, mirrors, very nice selection of vintage aprons, funky retro and vintage clothing and accessories as well as more modern ladies clothes, shoes, purses, and more, washer and dryer, kitchen and household goods galore, plus the garage is brimming with treasures. This will be an outstanding sale and we look forward to seeing everyone this weekend. For preview pictures please Like us on Facebook or visit us at
Morgan Auction
Thursday, January 17 6:00PM
833 Hwy 367 Judsonia, Arkansas
Furniture: Stack bookcase, Lamp tables, Washstand, China cabinet, Corner cabinet, Library table, Oak hi-boy chest, Cedar chest, Small tables, Dresser, Sewing machine, oak hall mirror, sewing cabinet, magazine rack, several bookcases, and a lot more not listed. Glass Wear & Collectables: hull coke clock, depression stack bowls, fenton, red ruby, aladdin lamp, wood planes, crocks and jugs, quilts, granite, old marbles, old buttons, RR lantern, coke sign, old pump, old door knobs, ice tongs, tub and tub stand, carnival picture and glasses, griswald, wagner, old banks, wood duck decoys, several nice old toys, ford wrenches, wood stove. This is a very large estate. This is a partial listing. Morgan Auction Service website with photos
Morgan Auction
Saturday, January 19 10:00AM
80 Nature’s Trail
Yamaha Golf Cart (Gas), Patio Tile Table w/4 Roll Around Chairs, Floyd Flanders 3 Piece Set (Sofa, Rocker, Chair), 2 Bamboo Chairs, Tea Cart, Small Iron/Wood Table, 2 Recliners (1 Lazboy-1 Capper), Coffee Table, Pine Quilt Box, Dresser, Oak Wash Stand-Maple Bench, Chair, Armoire, Several Bookshelves, Large White Cabinet (other Cabinets), Antique Oak Icebox made into Night Stand (has name plate), Stand Up Jewelry Chest, Microwave Stand, Lamps, Pictures, Globe w/Precious Stones, Light from Ship w/Port Hole, Several Nice Area Rugs, Books, Noritake Set, Corning Ware, Pots & Pans (Stainless Steel), Silverware, Small Kitchen Appliances, Convection/Microwave Oven, Presto Electric Pressure Cooker, Convection Toaster Oven, Sunbeam Mixer, Lots of Nice Plastic Containers, Red Hats, Upright MW Freezer, Apartment Size Refrigerator, Large Samsung DTV TV, Magnavox TV, Bose Radio, BBQ Grill, Swings, Mexican Fireplace, Coolers, Lawn Wagon, Commercial Mop Bucket, Propane Stove w/Bottles, Murray 17.5 HP 46 “ Cut, 2 Wheeler Trailer, Shop Vac, Air Pal 2 HP Black Max, Small Hand Tools, Extension & Wooden Ladder, 3 ½ Ton Floor Jack, Jack Stands, Shovels, Battery Charger, Weedeater, and many more items too numerous to mention. Morgan Auction website with photos
Ragsdale Auction
Saturday, January 19 10:00AM Dover, Arkansas
Estate auction of a decorated veteran from WWII and the Battle of the Bulge! Many items from overseas, Vintage & Antique Guns, Vintage Ethan Allen furniture, Dolls, Paintings and so much more! Ragsdale Auction website with photos
The Good Stuff Auction
Tuesday, January 22 6:00PM
7824 Colonel Glenn Rd.
Details coming soon. |