Upcoming Estate Sales and Auctions for April 25 – 28

by | Apr 25, 2013

I’m so glad Spring has finally sprung! At least my allergies are telling me Spring is here! 🙂

Speaking of Spring, Crystal Hill Antique Mall is having their annual Arbor Day Weekend Garden Event this weekend from 9AM-5PM Saturday and Sunday. They’ll have lots of garden and patio items for sale and will be serving refreshments. Sounds like fun!

For those interested in Antique Alley Arkansas Antique Show updates, the show has really shaped up! We have over 100 exhibitors coming from 14 states! One of the exhibitors will be offering glass repair, so if you have any broken or chipped glassware, they’ll be able to fix it for a reasonable price. I’ve posted the exhibitor list with photos here: Antique Alley Arkansas website.

We’ve got a few sales to go to this weekend. Here’s the scoop:

Roy Dudley Estate Sales
“Sale of a Lifetime”

Monday – Sunday, April 22 – 28
10:00AM – 3:00PM

7501 Cantrell Rd.
Little Rock, Arkansas

Our Finest Sale Ever! Items include upright Regina music box, table model music boxes, Porcelain advertising signs, Turkey & Duck Calls, Museum Quality Remington & Winchester Collections, Art Glass, Fine Porcelain, Huge Vintage Ammo Collection, Game Traps, Knives, Swords, Marbles Brand Collectibles, Pocket Watches, Advertising Tins, Back Bar, Collection of Display Cases, Fishing Lures, Bronzes, Gas Pumps and Globe Collection, Incredible Victorian Furniture, Barber Collectibles, Railroad Items, store jars, Match Safes, Watch Fobs, Straight Razors, Soda Pop Items, Civil War Items, Ephemera including early Arkansas Items, Tintypes, photographs, Flashlights, Royal Bayreuth, RS Prussia, Nippon, Cut Glass and much more!

Roy Dudley Estate Sales website with photos

Estate Sale by Individual

Thursday – Saturday, April 25 – 27
10:00AM – 5:00PM

4107 Lee Avenue
Little Rock, Arkansas

Four piece high quality leather sofa set. Unusual coffee table set. Queen Sleigh Bed and Mattresses. Duncan Phyfe night stands. Antiques-Primitive including English feed bin 1800’s used as console, antique buffet, etc. Nice dinning table with 6 chairs, beautiful heavy duty cane chase lounge and two matching love seats and end tables w/glass tops. Trunks, Pictures many, many books large hardback and paperback.Lovely large potted plants in great pots ready for patio. Tools, yard items items in basement. Clothes, purses, some jewelry, mink coat, beaded dresses. Kitchen items. Too much to list, come see. Lots of CDs, great art!
Cash and Check with proper ID.

Pennsylvania Trading Co.

Friday – Saturday, April 26 – 27
9:00AM – 3:00PM
Sunday, April 28
10:00AM – 2:00PM

2720 Calico Creek Dr.
North Little Rock, Arkansas

Nice kitchenware! Vintage Tupperware, Stoneware bowls, Fiesta chargers, pitchers, teapots, pink Depression stemware; Bunnies! Diverse collection; Decorative glass, pottery & china; Japanese “pinball” machine; Guns – .22, 410 & 12 gauge; Armchairs, sofas, wicker sofa, occasional tables, antique rocker, curio cabinet, beds, mattress sets, small desks, large desk, flatware cabinets, 6 dining chairs; Motorized wheelchair – Synergy 6000z, hospital bed, medical & 1st aid items & other handicap items; costume jewelry, Women’s fur stroller, clothes & accessories; vintage Christmas, linens, quilts, crocheted throws, books, lawn & garden items, washer & gas dryer, fireplace set, & more!!
Pennsylvania Trading Co. website with photos

Estate Sale by Rook’s Antiques

Friday – Saturday, April 26 – 27
10:00AM – 2:00PM

805 W. 4th St.
North Little Rock, Arkansas

Items from previous sale will be discounted even further as we work to make room for two partial estates we are bringing in the back room. We will have items out front discounted up to 50% off and other reductions throughout. More information about the new estates in the back room coming soon.
Estate Sale by Rook’s Antiques website




Pinnacle Auction Service

Friday, April 26

4621 Asher Ave.

Little Rock, Arkansas

This will be a good auction with some unusual items:

Old cast iron church bell from Roland Arkansas, double sided antique oak train station bench, Ernest Gabler Rosewood 1890’s upright grand piano – complete restoration in 2011, Queen Victoria Diamond Jubilee tea set, several English Royalty mugs from late 1800’s – 1980, antique Mill stones w/ bracket & pulley hardware, complete set of Britian castles Johnson Bros. china, Mid-century bed room set, Oak English hall tree, Victorian parlor chairs, 3 drawer Oak chest, small Pine 2 drawer Victorian stand, Oak Eastlake spoon carved full size bed, English Oak barley twist oval dining table, Barley twist dining chairs, English marble top wash stand, Oak English writing desk, English Oak 3 drawer chest w/ brass towel bar, Oak English full size bed, Maple full size bedroom set, Primitive kitchen utensils, antique bayonets, Edison table top cylinder roll Amberola player w/ trumpet horn, Morison Anvers table top phonograph w/ morning glory horn, Oak case Grandfather clock w/ Westminster chimes, 2 Oak mantle clocks, square neck Dobro, Alverez 12 string guitar, Fender acoustic electric guitar, fender deluxe reverb amp, Fender sidekick bass amp, Gibson 800 bass amp w/ gibson 800 head, framed Arkansas documents to Col. Roots, bubble glass framed Indian boy in American school clothing w/ papoose ,Carnival glass bowls, Asian wooden fencing, Teakwood chaise lounges, all sorts of collectible pottery, Spode & LLadro figurines, Tiffany sterling spoons & other 1800’s sterling, Dorothy Tharpe stemware, African drum, African spears, reproduction Gladiator & jousting metal helmets, silver coins, New England lobster trap, and much more! 344 lots!

Pinnacle Auction website with photos

Morgan Auction

Saturday, April 27

914 Ferguson Rd.
Heber Springs, Arkansas

Yard Machine by MTD 12.5 HP 30” Cut Riding Mower, Murray Mower, Garden Tiller (Front Tine), Homelite 30cc Small Tiller, Weed Eater, Craftsman Leaf Shedder, Lawn Cart, Compost Mixer, Weedeater Leaf Blower, Hand Tools, Vice, Circular Saw, Hand Saws, Drill, Hatchet, Shovels, Rakes, Axes, Potato Fork, Pitch Fork, Ladders, Doors, Scales, Dolly, Roadmaster Red Wagon, Metal Lawn Furniture, Misc. Yard Ornaments, Wooden Swing, Sofa (Hide-a-bed), Love Seat (Hide-a-bed), Rocker Recliner (2), Wooden Antique Rocker, Barrel Coffee Table, Barrel Magazine Holder, Wooden Chest, Dresser, 2 Wooden Twin Beds, Drop Leaf Desk, Desk. Small Table, Dining Table w/6 Chairs, Dry Bar, Small Curio Cabinet, Cabinet, Wooden Frame Mirror, Bedding, Pictures, Lamps, Stereo/Speakers, Books, Zenith TV, Hoover Vacuum, Dishes, Pots & Pans, Misc. Kitchen Items, Smoker, Small Citation Chest Freezer,

Many more items too numerous to mention.

Morgan Auction website with photos

Ragsdale Auction Service

Saturday, April 27

12175 Hwy 7 N.
Dover, Arkansas

Hand Painted Fenton Vase, Morgan Silver Dollars, ‘99 thru ‘03 State Qtr Sets, Silver Quarters, Dimes & Nickels, 1943 Steel War Pennies, American Nickel Collection, Wheat Penny Rolls, Many Mint & Proof Sets, #2 & #4 Stoneware Crocks, Vintage Orange Sun Crest Clock, Antique Hanson Scale, Vintage Lamps, Phillips 66 & Texaco Oil Cans, 2 Vintage Wash Tubs, Antique Cast Iron Bed, Primitive Wooden Boxes, Large Roll Top Desk, Delta Milwaukee Lathe, Vintage Cabinet Record Player, Porcelain Top Table, Vintage Kitchen Step Stools, Vintage Wooden Ironing Board, Vintage Sofas & Chairs, Vintage Cedar Chest, Hand & Power Tools, Lawn Mowers, Wood & Aluminum Ladders, Scaffolding Unit, Vintage Lawn Chairs, Maytag Washing Machine, Antique Dressers & Tables, Antique Chest of Drawers, Vintage Wooden Desk, Stacks of Lumber, NIB Vintage Shoes, Vintage Floor Lamp, Wooden Bar Stools, Vintage Wooden Rocking Chair, Cross Cut Saw, Wooden Picnic Basket
Ragsdale Auction Service details with photos

Good Stuff Auction

Saturday, April 27

7824 Colonel Glenn Rd

Little Rock, Arkansas



Good Stuff Auction details with photos

Phillips Auction Service

Saturday, April 27

2271 Hwy 70 West
Lonoke, Arkansas

This week we will have John Deer riding lawn mowers, vintage brushes and mirrors, Fiesta ware, Signs, Pictures, Glassware, Startek figures , and starwar figures and MORE!
Phillips Auction Co. details with photos

Ponders Auction

Sunday, April 28

1504 South Leslie
Stuttgart, Arkansas

Partial Listing:Fine lrg oak S curved glass china cabinet w/columns;Fabulous magh bronze mounted Federal Empire Hi Back bed w/matching triple mirror vanity,w/chair and wall mirror;Early inlaid magh corner china;5pc bronze mounted palor set w/heads;Magh H.P. Demiloom;Pr of carved magh French chairs;Early flamed magh Empire bookcase sect;Carved fr. Leather top poker table w/chairs;

Hvy carved shield back seatee;Pr of oak chairs w/heads;Flamed magh inlaid server w/deep serpentine front;Rare magh cabinet top inlaid music cabinet;magh antq.phone booth w/phone;Rare

Flamed magh silver chest/server;Federal d/l dining table w/carved base;Flamed magh blind china;

Waln.drop front ladies desk;Pr of adams style paint decorated chests;Fine lrg vict hall sofa;French throne chair;Sheridan style carved loveseat;Renass.vict seatee;Several fine French fireside &ocass.

chairs;Waln vict cyclinder roll sect.;Pr. of magh lawyers stacking bookcases;unusual magh open bookcase; Carved chippen.dining table w/ 6 carved chippen.chairs ;Pr of gallery top magh lamp tables;Magh brandy s/board;Empire oak curved glass china & s/board;Nice tea tables;Early corner washstand;Drexel poker table w/4 chairs;Lrg selection of lamp & ocass.tables;Fine 6 pc Eastlake vict palor set;Lrg vict.mtop dresser w/mirror;Unusual vict desk;Lrg rosewood square grand piano;Magh baby grand piano;Several tall back and cf piano stools;Fine empire flamed magh Abotaunt desk;Magh campaign desk;French magh kidney vanity w/mirror;Magh block front chest;Fabulous

Flamed magh 7pc Twin B/R suite;2 pine Beldings Spool cabinets w/10 & 20 glass doors;Several magh twin b/r suites;Chippen.blanket chests;Drexel magh corner china;Magh breakfronts;unusual 3pc carved waln.Full b/r suite;9pc waterfall d/r suite w/bakelite pulls;Magh 3pc tall poster b/r suite;Pr of

Berkey/Gay twin bed w/matching vanity;40FT Shipment of Shabby Chic;Rustic ;Distressed Paint

Decorated Cupboards;Bookcases; mirror front chests;Chinas;Lrg low s/boards great for flat screens;

Desks;Benches;Servers;Multi drawer cabinet;Kitchen tables;louvered door cabinets;Goat wagon;

Lrg & Sm.Clay Porch pots;Milk cans;Lots of decorative iron benches,flower pots,entry gate w/posts;

Metal word signs;Cast iron urns;40FT Shipment Quality English:A great selection of wardrobes;tall

boys;chinas;buffets;curios;sideboards;Welch cupboards;bookcases;pub tables;chairs;hi/low chests;

Dropleaf/occass tables;dressersw/mirrors;fall front bureau desks;12 magh/oak corner chinas;bar cabinets;draw leaf/dropleaf tables; Glassware/Smalls:Early Bible;Nice Jardnier /pedestal;punch bowl w/cups;hummell plates;metal vict statue;lots of fancy pictures,mirrors & lamps;3 estate rugs; 2 nice prismed chandliers;Lots Lots More -Definitely Something For Everyone: BLG FULL!!

Terms:Cash;Checks; All major C/Crds Accepted w/5% transaction fee;10% buyers premium added to all purchases.Check out our website for over 500 photos

Ponders Auctions details with photos

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