Estate Sale Sherwood

Estate Sale Sherwood

Estate Sale. 1504 Dovecote Lane, Sherwood, Ar. Nov. 21-23. Thurs. thru Sat. 8:00 to 3:00 Lots of Capodemonte. MCM stuff, furniture, 10 pc. White Furniture Dining room set, Drexel bedroom set, side chairs, oils, chests, lamps, pictures, Cast John Deere child’s tractor, linens, outdoor, glassware, concrete swans, cedar chest, large oak desk, kitchenware, cast iron salesmen sample stove, mirrors. Too much to list.


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Nice to meet y'all, I'm Ashley!

Since 2010, I’ve been helping junkers like me find estate sales and auctions around Arkansas through my newsletter, and now I host my own events!