Susan Morrison Estate Sale

Susan Morrison Estate Sale

Sale for the celebrated Arkansas artist, the late Susan Morrison. Large home with unique furnishings, Ms. Morrison’s signed prints, many unique items, Alaska collection, Navajo wool rug circa 1930, leather living room furniture, vintage and antique furniture, concrete yard art, washer, dryer, refrigerator, desks, drawing tables, bookshelves, antique display cases, holiday, kitchenware, dinnerware, rugs, outdoor furniture, fountains. Misson style handmade china cabinet, dining table, rowboat coffee table, several vintage trunks.. Appx 5 miles from Eureka Springs, near Beaver community. Watch for yellow tape on mailbox. Road is also known as Hwy 187 North.

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Nice to meet y'all, I'm Ashley!

Since 2010, I’ve been helping junkers like me find estate sales and auctions around Arkansas through my newsletter, and now I host my own events!