Burchfield Estate Sale

Burchfield Estate Sale

Burchfield Estate Sale
Encore Sale Saturday ONLY, Nov. 18, 9:30-3:00
Everything 60% off
8 Rocky Valley Cove, Little Rock, AR 72212
Rodney Parham to Rocky Valley Dr. left on Rocky Valley Cove

Beautiful Pleasant Valley home filled with vintage items and useful items that include dining furniture and china cabinet, Sarouk oriental rugs, two rolltop desks, Lazy Boy reclining sofa, sleeper sofa, love seat, two Lazy Boy recliners, two king-size beds, dresser, motorized lift bed, entertainment cabinet, small lady’s desk, TVs, mirrors, lamps, Silverplate, large assortment of kitchen knives, toaster oven, Corner Bakery Bread and Dessert Maker, Hamilton Beach Brew Station, NuWave Infrared Oven, Elite Toaster Oven, coffee maker, gas dryer, Singer, Necchi, and Dial Sew sewing machines, sewing supplies, Black and Decker and Shark Irons, lady’s jewelry, clothing, shoes, purses, linens, games, CDs, records, books, electric weedeater and electric chainsaw, treadmill, Christmas, fishing, and luggage.
And much, much more!

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Nice to meet y'all, I'm Ashley!

Since 2010, I’ve been helping junkers like me find estate sales and auctions around Arkansas through my newsletter, and now I host my own events!