Upcoming Estate Sales and Auctions for October 26 – 29

I’m excited to report Jessie and I gotĀ firstĀ place in the Women’s Novice category at Festivus! I still can’t believe it. We did well in the first three workouts and found out we were in first place. The last workout involved lots of burpees...

Upcoming Estate Sales and Auctions for October 19 – 22

This week is Fall Break for the boys and we’ve had a cRaZy week. I had to put my truck in the shop Monday morning and didn’t get it back until yesterday afternoon. This Friday I’m throwing Little Caleb a birthday party at our house. To incentivize...

Upcoming Estate Sales and Auctions for October 12 – 15

Hope you’re having a great week! Below are the sales I know about for this weekend. I’ll probably add an extra sale on AshleysFinds.com tomorrow. I received photos for a sale, but not the details, so I’ll do my best to add that one in tomorrow once I...

Upcoming Estate Sales and Auctions for October 5 – 8

When my nutrition/business coach began helping me organize and decorate my house, she told me I’d have to get rid of my antiques and vintage. I was quick to tell her I simply could not be Ashley of Ashley’s Finds if I couldn’t find cool stuff and...